Resolving CORS Issues in a Laravel and Vue.js Application

Resolving CORS Issues in a Laravel and Vue.js Application

Resolving CORS Issues in a Laravel and Vue.js Application

When developing web applications, it's common to encounter CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issues, especially when the frontend and backend are served from different origins. Recently, I faced such a challenge while working on a project with a Laravel backend and a Vue.js frontend. Here’s how I resolved the issue and some key insights from the process.

Understanding the Error

The specific error message I encountered was:

Access to fetch at 'http://your-backend-url:8180/api/your-endpoint' from origin 'http://your-frontend-url:3001' has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a secure context and the resource is in more-private address space `local`.

This error highlights a few critical points:

  1. Same-Origin Policy: Browsers enforce a security measure called the Same-Origin Policy, which restricts web pages from making requests to a different origin than the one that served the web page.

  2. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): CORS is a mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.

  3. Secure Context: The request client is not a secure context, meaning the request is being made from an insecure context (HTTP instead of HTTPS).

  4. More-Private Address Space: The resource is in a "more-private address space" (local), indicating that http://your-backend-url:8180 is considered more private than http://your-frontend-url:3001.

The Solution

To resolve this issue, I had to configure the Laravel backend to allow requests from the Vue.js frontend and ensure that both are served over recognized local addresses. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how I achieved this:

Step 1: Try Changing the URL

Before diving into configurations, try changing the URL in your Vue.js application to instead of http://localhost:3001 or http://your server address:3001 . This simple change might resolve the issue, as is the loopback address for localhost, which is more commonly recognized by browsers and network configurations compared to any other address.

Step 2: Install Laravel CORS Package

If the URL change doesn't resolve the issue, install the fruitcake/laravel-cors package using Composer. This package provides an easy way to configure CORS settings in a Laravel application.

composer require fruitcake/laravel-cors

Step 3: Configure CORS

After installing the package, configure it. Open the config/cors.php file and set it up as follows:

return [

    'paths' => ['api/*', 'sanctum/csrf-cookie'],

    'allowed_methods' => ['*'],

    'allowed_origins' => [''],

    'allowed_origins_patterns' => [],

    'allowed_headers' => ['*'],

    'exposed_headers' => [],

    'max_age' => 0,

    'supports_credentials' => false,


In the allowed_origins section, specify the origin from which you want to allow requests:

Step 4: Clear Cache

After making changes to the configuration file, clear the configuration cache to ensure the changes take effect.

php artisan config:cache

Step 5: Ensure Laravel is Serving via HTTPS

For the CORS policy regarding secure contexts, it's essential to serve the Laravel application via HTTPS if possible. For local development, tools like Laravel Valet can help serve applications over HTTPS.

Step 6: Vue.js Frontend Configuration

Ensure your Vue.js application is making requests to the correct URL. In your Vue.js components or services where you make HTTP requests, set the base URL to your Laravel backend.

For example, using Axios for HTTP requests:

import axios from 'axios';

axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://your-backend-url:8180/api'; // Ensure this matches your Laravel API base URL

// Example API call
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Step 7: Start Both Servers

Ensure both your Laravel backend and Vue.js frontend servers are running. For Laravel:

php artisan serve

For Vue.js (assuming you are using npm or yarn):

npm run serve

Optional: Using a Proxy in Vue.js

If encountering issues with CORS during development, setting up a proxy in the Vue.js application to forward requests to the Laravel backend can help. Modify the vue.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    proxy: 'http://your-backend-url:8180',


By following these steps, I was able to resolve the CORS error and allow my Vue.js application to communicate with my Laravel backend. This experience underscored the importance of understanding and configuring CORS correctly, especially in a local development environment. If you encounter similar issues, I hope this guide helps you overcome them efficiently. Happy coding!

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